Subtitle: Missionaries of God's Love
Author: Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan. 120 pg. PB.
The Gospels portray women as significant and influential members of Jesus' followers. This Bible study presents six examples of women in the Gospels – disciples who encountered Jesus and spread his message of love. Sessions focus on Elizabeth, Mary's cousin and the mother of John the Baptist; Anna the prophetess who saw the baby Jesus in the Temple; the women who followed Jesus from Galilee; the mother of the sons of Zebedee; the Samaritan woman at the well; and Mary of Bethany. This study will help you discover how you can better follow Jesus and proclaim his love to the world. Each session provides: the full Scripture text and a short commentary; questions for reflection, discussion, and personal application; and "In the Spotlight" sections featuring wisdom from the saints and the church, root meanings of Greek words, and fascinating historical background.