New American Bible translation. St. Joseph edition. 1632p. HB
Features: Easy-to-read Typeface: Clear "medium-weight" type for easy reading
Edge-Marking Index: Makes it easy to locate quickly any book of the Bible
Footnotes and Cross-references Indicated: Clearly shown by asterisks and letters in the text
Self-Explaining Maps: 38 Clear easy-to-follow maps (with summaries) of key events and areas are placed in context
Historical Survey: Panoramic view of the lands, people, and major events during the Biblical periods
How to Read the Bible: Valuable summary of the major points uncovered by contemporary Biblical research
Vatican II Document: "Constitution on Divine Revelation" gives the Church's official position of the Bible
Bible Dictionary: Handy guide to important Biblical names, expression, and themes
Doctrinal Bible Index: Provides the references for major doctrinal subjects found in the Bible
Features: Easy-to-read Typeface: Clear "medium-weight" type for easy reading
Edge-Marking Index: Makes it easy to locate quickly any book of the Bible
Footnotes and Cross-references Indicated: Clearly shown by asterisks and letters in the text
Self-Explaining Maps: 38 Clear easy-to-follow maps (with summaries) of key events and areas are placed in context
Historical Survey: Panoramic view of the lands, people, and major events during the Biblical periods
How to Read the Bible: Valuable summary of the major points uncovered by contemporary Biblical research
Vatican II Document: "Constitution on Divine Revelation" gives the Church's official position of the Bible
Bible Dictionary: Handy guide to important Biblical names, expression, and themes
Doctrinal Bible Index: Provides the references for major doctrinal subjects found in the Bible