Subtitle: How Christendom defeated the Ottoman Turks
Author: Diane Moczar. 256 pg. PB.
Historian Diane Moczar pulls back the curtain on one of the most important acts in the drama of Muslim aggression against the West: the 500-year-long siege of Europe by the Ottoman Turks. Tracing the rise of the Turkish people from wandering Asian tribe to mighty pan-continental empire, Islam at the Gates chronicles the heroes and villains, the battles and atrocities, the tragic errors and timely miracles, that marked the Ottomans’ incursions from Europe’s borders to the very heart of Christendom; and then, by the grace of God, their eventual repulsion and final defeat.
In these pages you’ll encounter: Solid history and dramatic narrative make Islam at the Gates a moving look at Europe’s long struggle against the Turks. But the author’s shrewd Catholic outlook also makes it an edifying one. Had these events unfolded just a little differently, Christian civilization might have been conquered by the sword of Allah. If we fail to learn the lessons of history, Dr. Moczar warns, the West may yet fall.
By the same author, Seven Lies About Catholic History